Extra Credit Project 2
Extra Credit Project 2
This Extra Credit assignment 2, part 2 of the Variable, (on page
3 of PL's note), is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR). This javascript assignment requires you to familiar with the number and logical variable.
You are to work with the number and logical variables in the following 5 steps:
3 of PL's note), is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR). This javascript assignment requires you to familiar with the number and logical variable.
You are to work with the number and logical variables in the following 5 steps:
- Frist Step: declare a number variables, and assign an initial value.
- Next Step: change the number variable value.
- Then, input from user a new number value to another number variable.
- Then, combine the input value with the existing number variable.
- Last Step, print out (document.write) the number value if the value is greater than 1000, otherwise print the text "the value is less than 1000".
Please submit your javascript work in .html file through webCT-assignment.
Note: The following envelope HTML code has to be included for the.html file in order for your javascript to execute correctly: