Thursday, May 6, 2010

Extra Credit 7 - Javascript, Skip Counting

LABAR Extra Credit Project 7

This Extra Credit assignment 7, is an extended opportunity for creating a JavaScript function to skip counting, i.e. not to display, the odd numbers, based on the quiz 11. This project is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR).
The functionality of this assignment should perform:

  1. counting down positive integer number, if the number is greater than 10 start the count down from 10;
  2. counting up the negative integer number, if the number is less than -10 start the count up from -10;
  3. skip the odd number;
  4. stop the counting when zero is reached;
  5. do nothing if the entered number is not a positive or negative interger number.
The following is the finished example::

The following sample code performs:
  1. counting down positive integer number;
  2. skip (does not display) the odd number;
  3. stop the counting when zero is reached;
  4. do nothing if the entered number is not a positive interger number.

You are expected to complete the assignment based on the above working code.

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