Monday, March 29, 2010

Assignment 7 - Javascript variables (PL's note js pages 1 to 9)

LABAR Project 7
This assignment is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR). This assignment requires you to write your first javascript to declare, assign and display three variables of the string, number, and boolean types respectively.

Variables (on page 3 of PL's note) are entities that can change. In this assignment, you are to write your first javascript. 

  • Frist, declare 3 variables: var1, var2, and var3 as the string, number, and boolean types respectively. 
  • Next, print the value of all (3) variables. 
  • Then, assign new values to all (3) variables. Then, print the value of all (3) variables. 

Please submit your javascript work in .html file through webCT-assignment.

Note: The following envelope HTML code has to be included for the .html file in order for your javascript to execute correctly:

place the example here

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quiz 4

The result of the quiz:

Assignment 1 Template

Here is a good step by step installation demonstration of a PC:

And here is the template for the part list:

For those who forgot how to do sum in excel:

Monday, March 22, 2010

UC Berkeley Graduates Destination Survey

What can you do with your major? It's up to you! With careful planning, you can develop career-related skills and experiences that can prepare you for almost any job or graduate school field.

Based on the annual survey of recent graduates, the UC Berkeley Career Center has profiled 79 majors from six of the UC Berkeley colleges - any major not listed below had insufficient data to create a profile. The reports detail what choices graduates made and illustrate that college majors rarely restrict their career or graduate school options.... more

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quiz 3 - Table, alignment, hyperlink, and image

Click here for quiz result.

Assignment 6 - Flowchart from a description

LABAR Project 6
This assignment is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR). This assignment requires you to create a flowchart diagram from the description below. The simple flowchart symbols: start and end symbols, arrows (flow), process, input/output, conditional or decision, as defined in wikipedia are used in this assignment.

You are expected to create an action plan in flowchart based on the following description:

Alice Smith plans to transfer to a 4-year University to study engineering. She will need to pass both the Comsc-105 and Comsc-145 in order to apply. The Computer Science Department of the school offers both classes every semester and allows student to take either course, one at a time, or both at the same time. Alice prefer to take the Comsc-105 in the 2010 Fall semester, then the Comsc145 in the 2011 Spring semester. However, the school has a budget shortfall; some of the classes has been cut but not in the Computer Science Department yet. More budget cut is on the way. If the school budget has to cut another 5%, then the Computer Science Department can only offer one class, Comsc145, in the 2010 Fall Semester. And only the Comsc105 will be offered in the 2011 Spring semester.

Please submit your flowchart work in Word (.doc or .docx file) through webCT-assignment. You can drag and drop the built-in flowchart symbols in Word (Insert -> Shape -> Flowchart) to create your flowchart.


The following description is translated into a flowchart, a logical flow of stages represented by symbols:

"The rain has been pouring for the last few days, and the refrigerator is low in stock. It is not safe to drive around in the rain. It seems the sun is breaking out. I am looking out the window every 10 minitues to see if the rain stops, so I can go shopping to fill up the frige. Then tell all my friends to come and have a party in my home tonight."

Click to enlarge
Technical Notes:
The Input/Output symbol, the parallelogram, represent activities coming in and going out of the system.

The flow chart always begins at a START symbol and finish with an END symbol, the
round sided horizontal parallels.

The following actions in side the system are represented in PROCESS symbols, the rectangle, for example:
"School Budget Cuts"
"Transfer to a 4-year University."
"The Fridge is low in stock."
"Have a party!"

The Input/Output symbol, the parallelogram, represent information coming in and going out of the system, for example:
"Tell Friends about party tonight."
"Check the School budget cut percentage"
"Check whether the Sun comming out"

The flow connects two boxes and going only one direction.
All boxes can connect to multiple incoming flows.
All boxes can have only one outgoing flow, except the decision box.
The decision box branches the one incoming flow to two or more outgoing flows.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Assignment 5 - HTML Form and Input (PL's note p.15)

LABAR Project 5
This assignment is to be done during your one hour lab by arrangement (LABAR). This assignment requires you to create a HTML form with input based on the description below:

Design a questionnaire to poll the student's opinion in the state budget cut. Start with name and age text field and followed by the 3 questions :
  1. Your opinion on the state cut the budget in education in stead of the prison: 5 being strongly agree, and 1 being strongly disagree.
  2. In your opinion, any, all, or none of following budget should be cut: transportation, education, law enforcement, welfare, and/or border security.
  3. Your political affiliation: Republican, Democrat, other, and none.
Please submit your html work (file with extension of .html) through webCT-assignment. After uploading your answer HTML file, make sure you click on the submit button.

You may utilize different types of Input tags: TEXT, RADIO, CHECKBOX, SUBMIT, and BUTTON to complete this questionnaire.  


An HTML Form utilizes the Input tags of TEXT, PASSWORD, CHECKBOX, RADIO, and SUBMIT:

Your Name


Favorite food






Monday, March 1, 2010

Numbering System Conversion

Rachel Smith has found these clips that are easy to understand:
Hexadecimal to Decimal

Decimal to Hexadecimal

Binary to/from Hexadecimal


Free Web Hosting

You may post your HTML work in a FREE public server. Here is an example of a html page,, the class link page, hosted by a free hosting site: that I picked from the 3rd entry of the following free hosting list:

Title Space CGI Ads Upload
FCpages 100 MB N Banner FTP/Web/Java 500 MB Y N FTP 500 PHP Y FTP/Web
ifastnet 300 Y N FTP
Tripod 11 Mb Yes Popup FTP/FP/Browser 1 GB Y N FTP
FreeWebs 40 N Y Web
Storm Loader 50 Y Y Web
Storm Pages 50 Y Y Web 100 Y Y FTP
Angelfire 20 Mb Yes Yes Browser
TopCities 150 Mb No Banner Web
100 Megs Free 100 N Banner Web/FTP
Freewebsites 50 N Banner Web
eSmartStart 100 N Banner FTP/Web
bootbox 10 Y None FTP
Red Rival 20 Mb N N FTP
Dreamwater Free home Pages 30 Mb No Banner Web
Web Host Me 20 Mb No Banner FTP 10 Mb No None E-mail
Black Apple Host 5 GB PHP Y FTP
uCoz Website Builder N/A N/A Y N/A
Sjl Free Hosting 250 Y Y FTP - free web hosting 50 Y Y Web
100 Web Space 100 Y Y FTP
Host Free 4 life 100 N Y FTP
ProHosting 50 Mb Yes No FTP 12 No Banner Web
20m Free web space 20 N Banner FTP/Web
Megspace 50 N Banner Web
75 MEGS DOT COM 75 N Banner Web
Above World 25 N Banner Web
Dreamwater 30 N Banner Web
Geocities 15 Mb No Banner or Pop-Up FTP/Form
Freeservers 20 Mb No Banner FTP
EZYPages 5 Pages N Y N
Atspace.Com 50 N N FTP
FreeCites 50 N Y Web

Free Wysiwyg HTML Editor

Wysiwyg HTML Editor
There are many free wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors around. I have tested some and like to recommend you the Kompozer,, which provides the source and code view. User can edit the tags in the code view, and to edit the content in source view. For 64-bit Windows, please download kompozer-0.8b3.en-US.win32.exe instead.

In the source view, the tags are not visible, like the Microsoft Word. The tags are entered by the commands from menu. When switching to the code view, all the tags are visible and nicely formatted. The Kompozer, works well with JavaScript and CSS, came as a portable executable, no installation required.

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